
duote123 2024-12-13 0


文章目录 [+]


  The happiest thing in the winter vacation, is a play chess with my father.Every day after dinner, my father gave me first peel an apple, dad said that apple can complement vitamin, make my body more healthy, more intelligent, I eat apples and play chess with my father.Every time my father always let me down, and I'm always the first white, because I am not interested in black.

  I under each recruit always center under the first, because the center of its wide vision, every move can be composed of three child, can block each other again.I can under the third step is an equilateral triangle, finished my preliminary strategic deployment.Father to a child, I immediately took up and stopped just connect the father's son, I only left a son, and formed a three children, and waved a two child, this one three even dad can plug the son, but the change of another child is very important to the whole situation, I can use this one is made of several three son, indeed as expected after a few steps I formed two three son, father give up, but my dad is very happy, said I made such rapid progress that this is my winter vacation is the fastest.









毕业的作文_第1篇: 离中考还有80多天了。我看着黑板旁边的中考倒计时。80多天,那么短,我们就要毕业了。 想着刚进学校的...

基础词汇 2024-12-14 阅读0 评论0


尊敬的数学老师: 您好!首先,我在此向你说一声对不起,这次我数学考试考差了,我辜负了您对我的殷切希望。这次考试您之前就给我们...

基础词汇 2024-12-14 阅读0 评论0



基础词汇 2024-12-14 阅读0 评论0