中考英语作文预测:learn to smile

duote123 2024-10-31 0


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中考英语作文预测:learn to smile

  learn to smile英语作文篇一

  smiling is really important in life. when you fail an exam, don't cry like mad. instead, you should smile to yourself and say, "at least i know where i should study more". when you fight with your friends, you should smile. smiling can also make you more confident. sometimes, the one who beats you is yourself. second, learn to smile to the others, it can make you closer to other people. third, smiling is an universal language that everyone can understand.

  learn to smile英语作文篇二

  You need to smile when you face to the trouble,if you were misunderstaned or did bad in the exam,you can smile at yourself. Smile is a kind of encouragment. It can make you believe in yourself. The most important thing is smile can make you have a good health.

  Smile at others is easy to converse with with them,It can bring the happiness to others.So do you.when youfriends fail,you smile means "Have another try!"

  Smile is a kind of languane which can't be heard by anyone,but persons always know its meaning,So when you smile,although you don't say any word,you can gat much.learn to smile, and you will get a happy life.






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