高三英语作文范文:The generation gap

duote123 2024-12-11 0


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高三英语作文范文:The generation gap

  After analysing, there are some following reasons.First, modern students like playing.They prefer to go out with friends rather than obey parents' wishes to stay at home. In addition, Chinese education develops slowly so that they can't control themselves well. Finally, they all have rebellious thoughts, they dislike to be restrained so that they will be far away from their parents. For example, if someone ask them to study hard, they will be annoyed. These factors caused the generation gap.

  As a student, I think we should often go home to look after our parents and talk to them about our life. Moreover, we can ask our parents if there are some interesting things happened to them these days to impove the relationship. Why don't we take a walk with them after working? How about going to take them out for a meal? Let's get a move on to eliminate the generation gap!




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