
duote123 2025-02-28 0


文章目录 [+]


  1. Don't Floss Your Teeth1. 别剔牙。

  While there's no arguing the importance of dental hygiene, tending to it should never be done in public.没错,保持牙齿清洁卫生是很重要的,但是这决不能在公共场合做。

  2. Don't Brush or Comb Your Hair2. 不要梳头发。

  Nobody wants hair in their food and when you run a comb or brush through yours.没有人希望在你梳理头发的时候发现有一两根在自己的食物里面。

  3. Don't Blow Your Nose3. 不要擤鼻涕。

  While we're on the topic, if you sneeze at the table, go to the restroom to wash your hands.当大家正在谈话的时候,如果你打喷嚏,那么就请移步洗手间并洗手吧。

  4. Don't Talk on the Phone4. 别打电话。

  If you get a call, go elsewhere to take it, but only if it's a good time to do so. If you and your dining companions are in the middle of discussing something important, wait for the best opportunity to leave the table.如果你的电话响了,请到别的地方去接听,但当然要在适合的时机才能去。如果你正与合作伙伴谈论重要的事情的时候,请等到合适的时候才去接听电话。

  5. Don't Continuously Text5. 别无休止地发信息。

  Staring at your screen while sharing a meal is impolite. If you get a text that can be quickly answered, go ahead and do it—one time. Otherwise, wait for a chance to excuse yourself and then reply.与别人共进午餐的时候眼睛盯着手机屏幕是很不礼貌的。如果你有一条能够快速回复的信息,那么就回复吧,但只能是一次。除此之外,你就只能等待合适时间再回复了。

  6. Don't Burp6. 别打嗝。

  In some circles, burping indicates that you have enjoyed your meal. While the cook may appreciate the good news, your fellow diners probably won't.在某些圈子里,打嗝会给别人传递你很享受这一顿午餐的信号。虽然主厨很欣赏这种表现,但是你的同事则未必了。

  7. Don't Apply or Fix Makeup7. 别化妆。

  The rules of etiquette dictate that makeup not be applied at the table especially in the case of business meals.礼仪规则规定,不能再餐桌上化妆,尤其是商务午餐的时候。

  8. Don't Be Rude to the Waiter or Waitress8. 别对服务员不礼貌。

  Many people consider it a big red flag when they observe someone being rude to waitstaff or other service workers. They see it as a sign of how that person will ultimately treat them. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant if it leaves them with a bad impression of you.许多人会觉得,当他们看到有人对服务员或其他服务性劳动者不礼貌是一件危险的事情。他们能够预测这个人会怎样对待自己。无论这是真的还是毫无关系的,不要对服务员不礼貌,不然就会给对方留下一个不好的印象。

  9. Don't Eat Anything Other Than Finger Food With Your Fingers9. 除了小点心,不要用手拿其他的食物。10. Don't Make a Negative Comment About Someone Else's Food10.不要对别人的食物指指点点

  If you don't like the looks of someone else's meal, avert your eyes from their plate and enjoy your own food.如果你不喜欢别人的食物,那么把自己的视线转移过去,好好享受自己的午餐吧。





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