中考英语作文Knowledge or Experience

duote123 2025-03-14 0


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  Knowledge or Experience

中考英语作文Knowledge or Experience

  Which is more important in life, knowledge from the books you read, or personal experience you gain in reality? The answer may vary from person to person. The young, educated may emphasize the former, and the old may stress the later. But in my opinion, they are of the same importance.

  Experience is priceless. How to become an efficient secretary? How to prepare for your first child to come into the world? There is so much experience we need in careers, in life and even in academic studies. It helps one deal with the problems with ease and confidence. Especially activities and to accumulate experience of different kinds is more crucial.

  Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. For one thing, it is impossible for anyone to experience all the important events and meet all the famous people. For another, as the speed with which skills are obsolete and new problems crop up is unprecedented because of the fast development of society, experience is far less adequate. Depending too much on it only leads to narrow-mindedness and prejudice.








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