高一年级英语作文:I have a childhood full of memories

duote123 2025-01-14 0


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高一年级英语作文:I have a childhood full of memories

  My childhood was unforgettable. When I was five years old, I went to the kindergarten every day. I had a lot of good time with my little friends. My parents took good care of me. I didn’t need to care about food and clothes and any other things. I was very happy in those days. But one day, my mother told me that she wouldn't pick me up after school. I was afraid of going home alone, so I started to cry and I was angry with my mother. Although I insisted that she and my father should protect me safely, they still disagreed with me. They thought it was good for me to learn to be independent. The next day after class, I had to take a bus to go back home. I forgot to see the bus route when I got on. Therefore, when the bus was more and more far from my home, I felt anxious. Finally, I got the last stop, and then took the same bus back home. When I told my parents my story, they never thought it is a mistake, on the contrary, they thought it is a useful experience. From then on, I don't let them meet me after school any more.




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