After John away customers, drove hastily left the company, go to the careful management of his nine free lunch shop. Nine years, every noon, he would lay down heavy corporate affairs, personally for customer service. According to a Los Angeles media reports, John among these nine free lunch for others, spending about $ 8.0 million. This has been called the business elite men Why the move?
John's father was a humble citizen, his life did not give John brings flaunt wealth and capital, however, John was due to excel in the business of deep love, the father of John honesty and kindness affect growth . Nine years ago, my father suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Because a nanny negligence, the father of a person to go out without return. John mind clear what the outcome, either the father suffered a mishap, or is really lost. John loved his father would rather believe the truth will be the latter.
In this way, John's father lost the fifteenth day, on a busy street in Los Angeles bought the shop, opened this free lunch shop. John believes that his father lost since it is, it will certainly encounter livelihood, he convinced his father's footsteps wandering through here sooner or later, you will find here a free lunch. So John Every noon, must personally come to customer service.
Finally one day, a ragged old man with dementia came here, he is the father of John disappeared for three months!
Father of "recovered" and did not allow John to produce close idea of free lunch shop, on the contrary, he increased the generation of free services to find missing loved ones. Nine years, there have been more than a dozen of the lost loved ones in the store free lunch reunion. John said, a successful businessman if you can not guard their loved ones, then he shall die by the world's out and ridiculed ......