
duote123 2025-01-26 0


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  We all live in the same society. More or less, we get help from others, our parents, relatives, teachers, friends even strangers. In return, we should give others a hand when they are in need. We should transmit this kind of love. As long as everyone can contribute a piece of love, the world will become a paradise. As for our inpiduals, helping others would bring us happiness and a sense of achievements. We would be happy to see that we are capable of helping others. In addition, helping others is helping ourselves, to some extent. One of the most beautiful compensations in life is that after helping others in good faith, we get help ourselves at the same time. I think “rose presented, smell remained” is the best description to help others.


  Helping those who are in trouble is a good virtue, which one should treasure. Life is not all roses. No one knows when he or she will be in trouble. I think only by helping each other can we build a harmonious society. I had my personal experience. There was a time when Liming performed badly in my maths. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he still failed. Upset and disappointed, he fell ill and had to be in hospital for a couple of days. Hearing what had happened to him, I came to hospital , helping him with his schoolwork. It was with my aid that he recovered soon and improved himself in maths rapidly. He felt really grateful for what I had done. A month later, I met the same problem and Liming did the same thing to help me. From my experience above, I’ve learned that the sincere help between people is of great significance. Only with the care and help of others, can we get out of the difficulties in life .


  Your enthusiasm,your both hands, can help others;Your sincerity,your smile,can move others;Your compliment,your blessing,can reciprocate others.This,are all what you should do.Because you are accepting others'help all the time,you should reciprocate them.No matter the friend or enemy, no matter the one that is familiar w-ith or strange one,whether he is a rich man or beggar.Help to be not to choose the target,choose time,choose the place.Go,make others warm with heart of you ,go,help others with hand of you,go,persuade someone else with your action.This is what you should do.You should learn to pay,learns help,learn to present.So long as everybody can do so both,this world will be a cradle that is full of loving,the earth is that one is full of warm collectives!




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