
duote123 2025-02-11 0


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  假设你是学校的学生会主席,你校计划下周举行一次为四川汶川地震灾区人民献爱心捐衣捐款和义卖活动,请你代表学生会向全体同学简单介绍汶川地震灾情,并倡议同学们踊跃捐款,参加义卖活动。 1. 地震灾情:四川省汶川县于 5月12日 下午2:28分发生八级强烈地震;截止 5月22日 ,已导致68109人遇难,364552人受伤,许多房屋和学校被毁,500多万人无家可归,生活十分困难。 2. 学生需要帮助,学校需要重建;全世界人民都在努力帮助灾区人民,我们也不例外。 3. 号召学生捐衣服,捐零花钱,义卖旧书籍、Mp3等。所有物资和捐款将尽快送往灾区。 4. 你的感想。


  Teachers and fellow students, As we all know, an 8.0 earthquake broke out at 2:28pm on May 12th in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province.

  It’s reported that the earthquake was so strong that it has caused 68,109 deaths and 364,552 people were hurt. Many houses and schools were destroyed and as a consequence, more than five million people are living a hard life now. Just imagine how the students there need help and that schools should be built so that students can return to classes soon.

  People all over the world are trying their best to help them, not excepting us. Here Students’ Union calls on everyone to give away your old clothes and pocket money and bring your used books, mp3s or something else to sell in the bring-and-buy sale. All the materials and the money to be collected will be sent to the earthquake stricken areas as soon as possible. My fellow friends, “blood is thicker than water”. Please donate your love and give out your hands without hesitation.

  We believe miracles can be created, a great many lives will be saved and the harmonious society is sure to be achieved. That’s all. Thank you!




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范文库 2025-02-11 阅读0 评论0