
duote123 2024-11-15 0


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  the mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame.

  schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. is also a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school discipline school rules promulgated minds.

  each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and i myself have made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and every mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment.

  i stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, i know, cause such huge losses, i should have for their own pay for the mistakes, i am willing to bear although it is the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in this error should not shirk its primary responsibility.



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