
duote123 2024-12-14 0


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In the ever-evolving landscape of language learning, the integration of visual aids has emerged as a powerful tool for vocabulary acquisition. By leveraging the combination of words and imagery, learners can enhance their understanding and retention of new vocabulary. This article explores the benefits of using graphics to accumulate English vocabulary and provides practical strategies for incorporating visual aids into language learning.

The Role of Graphics in Vocabulary Acquisition:

Graphics, such as images, charts, and diagrams, play a crucial role in vocabulary acquisition by offering a multi-sensory experience. According to a study by Paivio (1986), people tend to remember information better when it is presented in a visual format. This is because the brain processes visual information more efficiently than text alone, leading to improved vocabulary retention.

1. Visual Memory and Cognition:

Visual memory is a key component of language learning. When learners encounter new words accompanied by relevant images, they create a stronger mental link between the word and its meaning. This associative memory technique makes it easier to recall the word in different contexts. For instance, seeing the word \



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