初中英语作文带翻译 My dream job

duote123 2025-01-24 0


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初中英语作文带翻译 My dream job

  The doctor this profession is noble, great, they in order to save the patient, can regardless of hardship and tired, run-down, they dressed in a white coat, for patients with light, hope, strictly enforce the "white angel" mission, ward off disease. Remember once, when I take the toy, accidentally bumped my head on the corner of a table, I immediately fainted, has been unconscious. My parents immediately taken to hospital, the doctor was observed to me, put me on the bed, stitches, when I awake, I was lying in bed in the home, even head to indolence, just a bit dizzy, in addition, all safe and sound, as if is a dream, it let me know the doctor is indispensable to the whole world a career, if not a doctor, the whole world will be a mess knows his illness but no way, life will not be back, the disease has a place, a person was taken away the precious life, people will not be able to fight against the disease, can only let it pushed around, it is also more firmly the ideal, I want to be a doctor, also deepened my yearning for the doctor.

  Some people say that I am careless, when bad to the doctor this career, one thousand fault diagnosis of disease, let the patient take wrong medicine, it can push things into irreparable, but I won't give up, even if have hundreds, I will not give up my ideal, I can overcome one by one, step by step closer to the ideal, then put it into reality.

  Ideal is like a beacon, for your guidance, I will not give up, until the day I will achieve it...








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