
duote123 2024-12-04 0


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  五年后的今天,我终于将离开这里,摆脱困境,寻找自己新的方向和目标了。个中缘由,不得不向大家交待,以正视听。 five years ago, i joined **. today, i have to escape from here to find a new start. some truth you have to know before my leaving. pany, i was forced to use stopwatch to calculate my every action. i feel myself a slave in the 21st century.

  4) 我的直接主管声称,她所定义的工作不做完,不能进行正常的午餐休息。 my supervisor rules i cannot go for lunch if i don’t complete the work she dispatched.

  5) 在**公司的五年我一如既往的工作。可是最近半年之中,我瞬间变得一无是处,饱受谩骂和无端的指责。直接主管多次当众对我进行辱骂,问我“是不是外地人?听不懂人话?”之类的粗鄙之言。事后她又拒不道歉,还百般狡辩,不承认半年多来对我的辱骂。 in the past five years, i tried my best to do my job. no cap, no complaints. suddenly, i become nothing and a bad employee when she joined **. she insulted and blamed me many times in public, such as “are you not shanghainese? don’t you understand human language?” when i apply for resign and ask her to apology, she even didn’t committee what she said and what she did.

  6) 如果所有上述这一切同时发生在你身上,并且陪伴着你渡过大半年以后,你是否会不得不离开? if all above things happened to you in the last six months, will you choose to leave as i?

  时至今日,我想起**先生在新员工培训时所作“四个满意”的理论,不胜唏嘘! i still remember the “four satisfactions” of mr. ** when i attended new staff orientation. what a pity!

  衷心祝愿各位留下的同仁,朋友一切都好,不要让发生在我身上的种种再现! i sincerely wish whom still works here everything is ok. no above bad things happen to you!

  subject: clarification for **’s farewell letter 对**告别信的澄清 you may receive a farewell letter from ** and has doubt if the company treats her like that. here we would like to introduce some background and clarify as below. 您可能收到了来自**的告别信,并疑惑公司是否如她所言那样对待她。在这里我想简述一下相关背景并做澄清。







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