
duote123 2024-11-15 0


文章目录 [+]


  Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that drunk driving has become a grave problem in China in the past few years. Reports are often heard about deaths and injuries resulting from drunk driving. Actually, the phenomenon has been so widespread that it has caused nationwide concern.

  A number of factors might have led to this problem, but the following are the critical ones. First, as a nation known for wine and drinking, Chinese have the custom of urging guests to drink more and regard it as a sign of hospitality. Some even encourage

  drivers to drink. Secondly, the boom of Chinese economy in the past decades has brought along a sharp increase in the number of private cars in this country. However, many drivers are not fully aware of the danger of driving after drinking. Last but not least, laws and regulations regarding drunk driving were not severe enough in the past.

  To our relief, we can see pertinent laws and regulations have been worked out and enforced to punish those who drive after drinking. However, I believe that more can be done to eliminate drunk driving. For one thing, severer laws can be made and put

  into effect. For another, the public should be educated about the harmfulness of drunk driving and the importance of traffic safety.



  相关标签: 安全Safe 交通Traffic 教育Education




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